A new film series, produced by Trailways and filmakers Nick Catania and Tj Giannetta, debuted about a four-day bus trip from New York to Nashville, Tenn. for the American Bus Association’s Marketplace 2014 in January.

The result is a new Bus Ride-Along Film Series on YouTube about modern bus travel in America from the viewpoint of young, tech-savvy travelers, who used Trailways and Greyhound buses. There are four short episodes, less than 10 minutes, about each day of the trip, displaying their fun-filled and eventful bus journey.

This is the first time Trailways has produced a film project of this nature. The YouTube film series captures the bus ride itself, interviews with bus riders and frontline company employees, and several travel destinations.

Participants from the Trailways network included Adirondack Trailways in New York and Pa.-based Martz Trailways. They helped with bus tickets and logistics. Greyhound, an interline partner with Trailways, was also a significant partner in the project.

Day 1

The itinerary began on Sunday evening, Jan. 5, 2014, in New York State on Adirondack Trailways at the New Paltz station, about 90 minutes north of New York City and near Catania's home. After traveling to Port Authority and Times Square, they stayed with friends overnight in Brooklyn.

Day 2

On Monday, Jan. 6, 2014 they got an early start making their way back to Port Authority. From there, they traveled to Wilkes-Barre, Pa. via Martz Trailways to spend the afternoon with Martz staff and tour their facility. In the afternoon, they departed for Philly and met up with a friend for dinner. That evening, they departed for Washington, D.C., and arrived in Union Station around midnight.

Day 3

Wednesday morning, Jan. 8, 2014, they had a windshield tour of Washington, D.C., filming memorials and the U.S. Capitol. They toured the Greyhound bus station at Union Station and departed for Richmond, Va. in the late afternoon. Upon their arrival, they toured the Richmond terminal, enjoyed a meal, and departed on the final leg of their trip; an overnight to Nashville.

Day 4

On Thursday, Jan.9, 2014, their day started with a wake-up call in Knoxville, Tenn., where they had to un-board for a quick bus cleaning and service. A few interviews and a coffee later, they were off to Nashville. After seeing a beautiful sunrise over the Smokey Mountains, they arrived in Nashville, received a tour of the terminal and made their way to the magnificent Union Station Hotel.


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