On Tuesday, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) launched a new Website designed to help rural and small urban transit providers develop and carry out effective safety, security and emergency preparedness programs.


The Bus Safety and Security Website will give users quick and easy access to a comprehensive resource library that houses more than 1,000 downloadable technical assistance documents, tools to help transit agencies assess their programs' strengths and weaknesses, and a community forum to support peer-to-peer information sharing.


The Website (http://bussafety.fta.dot.gov/) is the culmination of ongoing coordination and collaboration with representatives from the FTA and other federal agencies, state departments of transportation, the Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA), the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and the American Public Transportation Association (APTA).


FTA will keep the site updated, adding new tools and information as it becomes available based on feedback from the industry and other stakeholders.


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