Complete Coach Works (CCW) has been awarded a contract with Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) to furnish and install up to 484 three-position bike racks and 73 spare units.
Alternative modes of transportation have become popular in order to decrease automobile use and reduce emissions. To keep up with this growing trend, municipalities are changing their infrastructure to better accommodate cyclists. By upgrading to a three-position bike rack, OCTA will be able to offer more rack space to cyclists interested in using public transportation to supplement their commute.
Upgrading to a three-position bike rack allows agencies to enhance their existing mounting systems without the expense of a complete replacement. The new racks are fabricated from stainless steel to prevent corrosion and reduce overall maintenance costs. The bike rack will also allow cyclists to load and unload their bikes with ease which increases safety and reduces interference with bus route schedules.
“Prioritizing the needs of our clients is a core part of our company philosophy," said Kevin O’Brien, general sales manager at CCW. "We are proud to partner with an agency who values their customers as much as we do."
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