The United Motorcoach Association (UMA) announced the preliminary schedule and registration details for its annual "UMA Capitol Hill Days" to be held June 24 to 25 in Washington, D.C.

The event gathers owners and senior management from bus and motorcoach companies to meet with their Congressional elected officials to discuss the industry's most pressing legislative issues.

The event includes a legislative briefing for attendees and guidelines on conducting meetings with Congressional Members and staff and a group dinner on June 24.

On June 25, attendees will hold prescheduled appointments with Members of the House of Representatives from their districts and Senators from their states; often joining other UMA members for joint appointments.

New for this year, participants will be housed on Capitol Hill to enjoy easier access to their meetings and other events. The Liaison Capitol Hill, an Affinia Hotel, will serve as UMA's host hotel.

Also new this year, a debriefing session will be held for attendees to share their experiences and highlights of their individual meetings, followed by an evening reception with invited Congressional Members and their staffs to afford an expanded and more relaxed opportunity for UMA members to interact with them.

UMA's key message points for Congress this year will be focused on policies likely to be addressed in reauthorization of the upcoming surface transportation bill. Issues of importance to UMA members will include preservation of charter bus protections; return to zero federal fuel tax for over-the-road buses; increased opportunities for contracting with local transit agencies and a host of regulatory reforms that include due process for Imminent Hazard and Out-of-Service orders; and prohibition on third-party inspection requirements, local entity requirements for registrations of charter bus operators and en route inspections

There is no registration fee to attend this event, however all attendees must complete a registration form. To encourage member participation, UMA will significantly subsidize part of the hotel cost for attendees of the event. For the complete schedule, registration and hotel information, click here.

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