Though approved now, the new $2.38 million property tax and services will not go into...

Though approved now, the new $2.38 million property tax and services will not go into effect until 2024.

Photo: TheRide

The voters of Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and Ypsilanti Township approved TheRide’s millage request to expand and improve transit service with the majority vote of 61%.

Though approved now, the new $2.38 million property tax and services will not go into effect until 2024. TheRide’s millage helps increase equity within the community and provide more access to jobs, education, shopping, and healthcare.

“We’re thrilled that the millage passed and we thank the citizens of Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and Ypsilanti Township for their support and understanding of the value of public transit in our community," said Matt Carpenter, CEO of TheRide. "We now begin the work to set plans in place for 2024."

TheRide’s plan for the next millage includes: 

  • Maintaining current service: Continue providing essential transportation service in the greater Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area.
  • Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti Express Route: Limited-stop express route along Washtenaw Ave. decreasing travel time by 30%.
  • Increased Frequency of Service: More buses on the weekends, increasing all 60-minute service to every 30-minutes.
  • Longer Hours of Service: Earlier Saturday service and consistently longer hours of operation on both weekday and weekend evenings.
  • Expanded Overnight Service: Add overnight and holiday service and expand NightRide to all of City of Ypsilanti, all of Ypsilanti Twp north of Textile Road.
  • Customer Service Agents at the Ypsilanti Transit Center: In-person agents and office improvements at Ypsilanti Transit Center allowing ticket sales and in-person customer service.
  • Capital Improvements: Capital fund for future projects such as terminals, BRT, zero-emission buses, garage, etc.

“Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to the voters of Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and Ypsilanti Township who supported our vision for the future of public transit in Washtenaw County,” said Eric Mahler, TheRide Board of Directors Chair. “TheRide will work tirelessly to execute our Long Range Plan to bring the services this region needs to continue be one of the most vital and livable counties in Michigan.” 

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