Photo: U.S. Bank

Photo: U.S. Bank

What do comprehensive plans include?  

Plans contain information about existing conditions and demographics. Through a collaborative process, stakeholders define goals and policies for land use, housing, transportation, parks and recreation, water resources, and community services. Then, planners work on implementation, answering questions such as how much funding is needed, how to allocate funding, what policies need to change, and who will be affected. Finally, planners create future land-use maps based on population, jobs, housing, infrastructure, and sustainability goals. 

What is transit's role in the plan?

Because a good public transit system benefits all areas of civic life—including access to housing, jobs, services, and parks—planners need to prioritize transit funding. Research gathering, data analysis, and community input can help illustrate transit's intrinsic value. Our eBook, “Point-of-contact: the role transit can play in comprehensive plans,” provides more detail on the following areas your agency can help transit stand out.

  • Demographics: Ensure you gather and analyze data that can improve citizens’ everyday lives.
  • Economy: Include data that shows how transit gaps can affect the local economy.  
  • Housing: Showcase how real estate can rise in value if transit access expands.
  • Transportation: Look for data that supports multiple plan goals and the impact public transportation has on existing infrastructure.
  • Public services: Research how reliable public transit can improve citizen access to services.
  • Environmental conditions: Consider how transit affects the environment and ways to prioritize sustainable solutions.

After data gathering, agency meetings, and public comment periods, it's time to set the comprehensive plan objectives and goals. Below are a few best practices to follow. For more tips to help your agency shape its message and move toward achievable results, download our eBook.

  • Define priorities: Ensure the plan clearly states goals and that planners, committees, and community members understand them.
  • Communicate transparently: Reach out to and inform the public to earn trust and support for the plan. Share updates, changes, and new milestones regularly.
  • Establish benchmarks: Use goalposts and key performance indicators at each milestone to keep all stakeholders informed about progress or roadblocks.

After plan approval, the legislature tracks outcomes that support the plan's goals. Keep sharing relevant information that shows the value of improved transit and how achieving the plan's vision can create vibrant, resilient, thriving cities where people want to live, work, and play. 

For ways to further invest in urban mobility, a trusted mass transit payments partner can help future-proof your transit agency by providing digital solutions that enable cities to be more economically sustainable and more connected.   

For more information about why it’s critical for comprehensive plans to prioritize mass transit payments and funding, download our eBook.

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