Velo-city, an annual conference of the cycling mobility industry within the context of developing sustainable communities, was held in Ghent, Belgium this past June.
he event offers a relatively unique opportunity for ministers of transport from many global countries to gather, understand, and exchange policy goals and progress in meeting these goals, see best practices, and hear from leading players in the global transport industry.
The annual POLIS mobility conference was held in Leuven, Belgium Nov. 29 to 30. The conference is the largest event held by the Brussels-based POLIS group, which is composed of cities and regions, as well as some corporate partners from across Europe, promoting sustainable transport solutions.
The UITP Global Congress was in Barcelona in early June 2023. It has been a long journey to get to get to the 64th UITP Congress, with a number of postponements, and ultimately, the cancellation of the last Congress that was scheduled to be held in Melbourne due to the pandemic.
There are so many aspects of the scheme it is impossible to cover them all in one article. I will highlight several the key features in this article and go on discuss some of the larger impacts of the scheme on the future of transport in Greater London and the UK.
The International Transport Forum (ITF) returned to Leipzig, Germany in late May 2022 for its annual event, which was in person again this year. This was following a virtual event last year and a cancelled event the year before due to the pandemic.
Gothenburg is Sweden’s second largest city and sits near the coast on the west side of the country south of Norway and north of Denmark. It is a, relatively, recent city and has a 400th anniversary in 2021.
As a prosperous wealthy country there have been persistent shortages of labor for many decades, and this remains the case today, which causes significant impacts on thinking about regional mobility.
Some semblance of a “normal” is returning, but what does this mean for rail travel in the UK and more widely in Europe in the late pandemic phase?
The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but nevertheless, was a chance for the European, and wider world, to exchange best practices in sustainable mobility, observe the latest trends, and for the host cities to welcome guests from across the continent.
In the spring, the national Department for Transport announced an “Emergency Active Travel Fund” to support local councils in reallocating road space for significant increases in the numbers of cyclists and pedestrians through the pending spring and summer periods.
An aspect of every urban transport system is making interchange between modes work well. Interchanges are widely discussed across Europe, but the outcomes vary widely across the continent.
Exactly what operational model will operators, cities, and public health authorities adopt once the restrictions are eased and we get back to "normal?"
What happened with the author opted to travel via coach instead of train while on vacation in Germany?
Making public transport efficient, effective, and attractive is at core of public policy across most of Europe to meet sustainability challenges.