Jim Holm has been in the insurance industry for five decades. In the 1970’s he was the top producer in the nation for the largest insurance company. In the 1980’s he created on of the largest and most successful self-insurance pools in the U.S. In the 1990’s he was the national agent of the year for Metropolitan P&C Insurance Company. Recently, he was honored as a Premier Agent for The Hartford and was the midwest agent of the year for Traveler’s.
Will driverless buses be accepted sooner than driverless cars?
Driverless cars have been in the news for quite some time. Last September, I speculated in PC 360, an insurance trade magazine, that insurance premiums for autos could decrease by as much as 40% over the next five years as autonomous cars made travel much safer. I increased my estimate to a 75% decrease in insurance premiums by extending the timeline to 15 years. When I wrote those two articles, I remember thinking how much of a personal paradigm shift was needed to accept a driverless car as safe. Now, it appears that driverless buses are in the near future as well.