Monday is the implementation date for the Congressionally-mandated Electronic Logging Device (ELD) final rule. After this date, all vehicles and drivers that were previously required to fill out paper log books will be required to have either a grandfathered AOBRD (Automated On-Board Recording Device) or an ELD. No hours of service rules were changed because of the ELD rule.

FMCSA is reminding motorcoach operators that its enforcement partners are fully prepared for the Dec. 18, 2017 implementation, and are committed to implementing the ELD rule in a manner that improves safety without impeding commerce. FMCSA has trained its Federal Staff and State law enforcement partners, and fully tested the electronic data transfer process.

To ease the transition to ELDs, FMCSA’s partners at the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance have previously announced a delay in placing non-ELD compliant vehicles out-of-service until April 1, 2018, which will allow continued time for carriers and law enforcement to adjust to the new technology.

FMCSA has also announced that violations cited during the time period of December 18, 2017 through April 1, 2018 will not count against a carrier’s Safety Measurement System scores.

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