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WASHINGTON, D.C. — Elaine Chao was officially confirmed as the new U.S. Secretary of Transportation on Tuesday, The Washington Post reports.

Chao, who made her way through the confirmation process multiple times for other cabinet positions without a dissenting vote on the Senate floor, was confirmed by a 93 to six vote, with several prominent Democrats, including Sen. Charles E. Schumer and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, among those voting against her. For the full story, click here.

APTA’s Chair Doran J. Barnes and Acting President/CEO Richard A. White released the following statement:

"On behalf of the more than 1,500 members of the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), we congratulate Elaine Chao on her Senate confirmation today as the U.S. Secretary of Transportation. She is an experienced federal leader who previously served in leadership positions at the U.S. Department of Transportation and was the Secretary of Labor.

“We look forward to working with Secretary Chao on President Trump's infrastructure initiative to ensure that working people have access to jobs and communities maintain their economic competitiveness. Transportation is the backbone of an economy and public transportation is critical to local and national economic development and growth.

“Federal investment in public transportation is a bipartisan issue that our national leaders and the American people support. We are encouraged that the Trump Administration is considering including public transportation funding as part of this new infrastructure package. Also, we are pleased that Secretary Chao said that securing sustainable funding for the Highway Trust Fund is a top priority for the Trump Administration.

“The public transportation industry is ready to work with Secretary Chao on an array of public transportation issues in order to advance public transportation nationwide."

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