The strategic plan was developed by GM and CEO Debra A. Johnson and RTD’s executive leadership...

The strategic plan was developed by GM and CEO Debra A. Johnson and RTD’s executive leadership team in concert with the agency’s 15-member Board of Directors.

Denver RTD

The Denver Regional Transportation District’s (RTD) board adopted a new strategic plan that looks toward the next five years of the agency’s future. The document — against which all initiatives, projects and priorities will be measured — serves as a blueprint for success and outlines the intentionality RTD will bring with its redefined mission: “We make lives better through connections.”

The strategic plan was developed by GM and CEO Debra A. Johnson and RTD’s executive leadership team in concert with the agency’s 15-member Board of Directors. It establishes four strategic priorities — community value, customer excellence, employee ownership, and financial success — that serve as functional pillars to plan, develop, evaluate and measure RTD’s overall performance.

During the nine months since Johnson assumed RTD’s top leadership role in November 2020, she has observed that the agency is recognized as an industry leader — and has also weathered a fair share of challenges and criticism for not having clearly defined organizational strategies, priorities, and processes.

“I was able to ascertain that RTD needed to challenge itself to do business differently,” Johnson said. “I believe that public transportation is the great societal equalizer, connecting people to opportunities. Our customers and our community will see an RTD workforce committed to delivering measurable value and communicating these results in a clear and transparent fashion.”

The plan details the following:

  • Why RTD delivers service, as detailed in the agency’s newly defined mission, vision, and values.
  • What the agency strives to achieve, as embodied by its strategic priorities.
  • How RTD will successfully fulfill the strategic priorities.
  • Who is ultimately responsible for achieving ambitious annual performance goals.

To review the entirety of the new strategic plan, “Change, Challenge, and Connections,” visit RTD’s website.