The J4500 CHARGETM is a zero-emission version of the industry’s J series tour and charter luxury...

The J4500 CHARGETM is a zero-emission version of the industry’s J series tour and charter luxury coaches.

Photo: New Flyer

NFI Group Inc. announced that its subsidiary Motor Coach Industries (MCI) has received a new order from Universal Coach Line (Universal) for one battery-electric, forty-five- foot MCI J4500 CHARGE coach.

The order, supported by provincial grants and sales tax rebates, marks the first purchase of a long-distance, battery-electric MCI J4500 CHARGE in Canada. The J4500 CHARGETM is a zero-emission version of the industry’s J series tour and charter luxury coaches. It leverages EV technology from NFI subsidiary New Flyer and delivers up to 370 kilometers of range.

Universal currently operates MCI J4500 clean diesel coaches and made the shift to zero-emission following a J4500 CHARGE demonstration earlier this year.

“Universal is a veteran operator and longtime partner of MCI, and together we are creating a zero- emission future for coach travel across Canada,” said Paul Soubry, president/CEO, NFI. “We look forward to supporting the expansion of commuter express service and remobilization of charter service with our J4500 CHARGE — which was made for high performance through unmatched design and exceptional passenger experience.”

Universal said it will use its new electric coach in employee shuttle service and on local tour and charter trips. Earlier in 2021, Universal Coach Line completed a demonstration with the MCI J4500 CHARGE.

“Passengers could easily be heard in conversation, which will make it easier to work and relax onboard,” said Lindsay Moir, VP, Universal Coach Line. “We are thrilled to be the first in Canada to offer passengers an improved, quiet ride, and to offer game-changing zero- emission technology in a tour coach.”