Duos Technologies Inc. has received a contract valued at more than $1 million to expand its existing intelligent video and security sensor system along a segment of the Amtrak and CSX rail system running through downtown Washington, D.C. Duos received similar contracts in 2005 ($9.8 million) and 2006 ($4.7 million) to secure a stretch of track commonly known as the D.C. Rail Corridor from Epsilon Systems Solutions Inc., the prime contractor and program manager under a contract with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  

The project includes a comprehensive virtual security buffer zone within which any moving object is detected, analyzed and authenticated. The system is capable of processing input from radio frequency identification (RFID) tags and a host of security-sensitive detectors. 

Data from the system is monitored by Amtrak and CSX Police and made available to other federal, district and local authorities and agencies.

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