The Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) announced that the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has voted to join the organization’s unprecedented Transportation Electrification Partnership (TEP) of local government leaders, utilities, regulators, and businesses. The TEP will collaborate to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions and regional air pollution by accelerating progress toward regional transportation electrification and statewide zero emissions goods movement by the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The County will join the Leadership Group of LACI’s TEP, which includes California Air Resources Board (represented by Chair Mary Nichols), the Mayor of Los Angeles, LA Metro and utilities Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Southern California Edison, and Pacific Gas & Electric. Gary Gero, Los Angeles County’s first-ever chief sustainability officer, will serve as the County’s liaison to LACI.
LACI’s Roadmap will identify gaps in infrastructure, policy, technology, and funding and harness the power of its partners to push for solutions to accelerate for deployment ahead of the 2028 Olympic Games. The first iteration of the Zero Emissions 2028 Roadmap will be released in September 2018.
Joining Los Angeles County, electric vehicle technology leaders BMW, PCS Energy, Itron Idea Labs, Tesla, BYD, and Greenlots along with California State University, Northridge, and USC, Schwarzenegger Institute for State and Global Policy, will also be founding or associate founding partners — each will also serve on the TEP Advisory Group.
“Not only do Olympic athletes need to breathe cleaner air and avoid the extreme heat the climate crisis is bringing to our region and state — the lungs and lives of future Angelenos demand it,” said LACI CEO Matt Petersen. “That’s why we are proud to announce our new partners at the County of Los Angeles along with the private sector to help accelerate zero emissions, transportation electrification by the time the world arrives here in 2028.”
Through unprecedented partnerships, LACI is positioned to be a powerful driver towards making Los Angeles a sustainable, smart city transitioning from its history as the car capital of the world to the zero-emission transportation capital of the world. In collaboration with LACI’s Leadership Group and its partners, LACI is developing a 2028 Zero Emission Roadmap, a detailed plan to accelerate shared goals for mobility and zero emissions transportation.
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