Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority (Lanta) announced the arrival of seven new compressed natural gas (CNG) buses, which now brings the total to 86.
This is the largest in the history of Lanta, according to Executive Director Owen P. O’Neil.
“With the addition of the new CNG’s and the retirement of five older buses our fixed route bus fleet now stands at 86, O’Neil said. “This keeps us on the path to continued growth as our Lehigh Valley grows."
The addition of these buses and the retirement of the five older vehicles also keeps Lanta on schedule to maintain its bus fleet in a state of good repair, according to the news release.
O’Neil citied several benefits of using CNG, including reduced and more stable fuel costs from a dependable domestic supply, a well-established infrastructure, and reduced maintenance costs.
Manufactured in California by Gillig, LLC., the new additions bring the total of Lanta buses running on cleaner-burning natural gas to 64. The remaining vehicles in the fleet are hybrid-electric models.
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