The USPTO rulings demonstrate that Via’s Virtual Bus Stop patents are inventions that are enforceable against infringement in the marketplace overall. - Photo: Via

The USPTO rulings demonstrate that Via’s Virtual Bus Stop patents are inventions that are enforceable against infringement in the marketplace overall.

Photo: Via

The USPTO Patent Trial and Appeal Board recently upheld patents for the Virtual Bus Stop technology invented by Via in two successive, unanimous rulings, according to the company's news release. 

The technology is the foundation for on-demand routing for shared-ride vehicles.

The USPTO rulings demonstrate that Via’s Virtual Bus Stop patents (U.S. Patent Nos. 9,816,824 and 10,197,411B2) are inventions that are enforceable against infringement in the marketplace overall. 

Result of the Rulings

As a result of these rulings, Via will continue to defend its intellectual property, and press forward with patent infringement litigation in federal court against RideCo.

RideCo never sought or secured a license to use Via’s patented technology.

Via added that it seeks damages and injunctive relief against RideCo for its intentional and unlawful infringement of Via’s Virtual Bus Stop patents.

“Via’s patented Virtual Bus Stop technology is the foundation for our business, and has greatly contributed to the growth of a category that did not exist prior to this invention,” said Erin Abrams, chief legal officer at Via. “We have always had full confidence in the novelty and non-obvious nature of our patents, and it comes as no surprise that these rulings uphold this fact. We look forward to sending a clear message that while our mission is to continue to see widespread adoption of technology to advance more equitable transportation, infringement of our valuable intellectual property will not be tolerated.”

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