<p>CharterUP is offering this program to bus operators for free for a duration of three months, ending June 30.</p>

Charter bus reservation company CharterUP launched the Bus Provider Assistance Program, which aims to provide advice and assistance to bus companies in need during the coronavirus pandemic — free of charge.

Due to COVID-19 and its social distancing measures, motorcoach operators have seen a halt in business resulting in significant financial strain during what is typically a "busy season" for most bus businesses.

To help counteract this, Armir Harris, founder and CEO of CharterUP, has chosen to offer this Bus Provider Assistance Program free of charge. Having been in the bus business for 16 years himself, Harris feels an innate connection to bus providers and wants to see the industry succeed. The program will provide guidance to struggling bus companies from CharterUP's own in-house insurance and financial experts.

"Our company is fortunate to be in a financial position to weather the storm in the long run. Now, I want to make sure that all companies in this industry have that same chance," says Harris. "If we all pool our knowledge, we can come out ahead of this when it's all over."

Using CharterUP's own experience as a source, the company's experts are taking note of successful planning strategies that have helped the business remain strong in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. With this in mind, advice and services to motorcoach operators will include:

  • Assistance with SBA Disaster Relief Loans.
  • How to manage finances after the pandemic assistance with business continuity insurance.

CharterUP is offering this program to bus operators for free for a duration of three months, ending June 30.

To get in touch with a CharterUP expert or inquire about the program's details call 855-920-2287 or email info@charterup.com.

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