Christopher LaTuso most recently served as director of HDR’s global transportation...

Christopher LaTuso most recently served as director of HDR’s global transportation infrastructure advisory services practice and as East Region transportation market development director.

Photo: HDR

Infrastructure leader Christopher LaTuso, P.E., has been named HDR’s new transportation market strategy director. 

In his new position, LaTuso will help set the vision and develop strategies to drive the continued growth of HDR’s global transportation program of more than 4,400 employees across all transportation modes and markets. He will work with market and client development leaders to implement programs focused on client service, anticipate transportation market trends, and deliver streamlined solutions.

“We have incredible technical expertise and unmatched industry talent throughout the transportation program at HDR,” said LaTuso. “The industry has an opportunity to combine a focus on equity with the technological advancements we are seeing in automation and sustainability to provide solutions that recognize the needs of all mobility users and the new ways the global workforce is operating in a post-Covid environment. I look forward to working with our talented leadership to guide our transportation program and support our clients to complete programs and projects that will be the blueprint of the transportation industry in the future.” 

LaTuso most recently served as director of HDR’s global transportation infrastructure advisory services practice and as East Region transportation market development director.

He has spent the majority of his three-decade career developing transportation projects in the New York metropolitan area and is experienced in every phase of project delivery from concept and scoping to construction inspection. Notable projects include the Bayonne Bridge Navigational Clearance Program for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and implementation of the Kew Gardens Interchange Infrastructure and Operational Improvements Project in New York.

“Chris is an expert at building and maintaining strong relationships, based on a deep commitment to delivering results,” said Tom McLaughlin, HDR transportation president. “In addition to experience as a project manager, strategic advisor and regional HDR leader, he began his career with the New York State Department of Transportation and understands intimately the needs of those whom we serve. With his continued leadership and commitment to our staff and clients, I’m looking forward to working with Chris to make great things happen at HDR and in communities across the globe.”

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