CCW takes previously used, internal combustion engine buses and remanufactures them into...

CCW takes previously used, internal combustion engine buses and remanufactures them into like-new vehicles containing ZEPS all-electric drivetrain systems.

CCW/Twin Transit

Complete Coach Works (CCW) announced a contract to convert two, 2004 35-foot GILLIG buses into Zero Emission Propulsion System (ZEPS) buses for Twin Transit in Centralia, Wash.

CCW takes previously used, internal combustion engine buses and remanufactures them into like-new vehicles containing ZEPS all-electric drivetrain systems. ZEPS is an integrated technology tested for more than four million miles of revenue service.

Each ZEPS vehicle will feature a 180KW electric PMS motor and controller. The motor and controller are designed to handle heavy0duty drive cycles and provide high torque and top speeds. The ZEPS buses will also include a 403kWh battery pack and battery management system. In addition, a new electrically driven air compressor, electrically driven power steering pump, and new lightweight roof-mounted HVAC system will be added.

The ZEPS battery-electric buses will replace current buses in Twin Transit’s fleet to further improve the nation’s air quality environment. In addition to providing invaluable public health and environmental benefits, ZEPS delivers financial benefits, including substantially reduced maintenance costs and reduced fuel costs.