Currently, IndyGo has a shortage of 150 drivers needed to operate its routes as intended.

Currently, IndyGo has a shortage of 150 drivers needed to operate its routes as intended.


The IndyGo Foundation will receive a $240,900 grant from the Indianapolis African American Quality of Life Initiative (IAAQLI) over a two-year period. With these funds, the Foundation, in partnership with IndyGo, will aim to enhance recruitment efforts to connect 250 members of African American and other minority communities, including those previously involved in the justice system, into high-wage, stable employment at IndyGo.

The grant will also support the creation of a new community recruitment manager, which will be responsible for creating new and innovative hiring strategies to meet the agency’s employment needs. Their efforts will specifically target bus drivers and mechanics.

Currently, IndyGo has a shortage of 150 drivers needed to operate its routes as intended. Additionally, minority populations are impacted by systemic failures that result in lack of access to well-paying jobs with long-term advancement and career potential. 

“The employee shortage IndyGo and other transit agencies across the country are experiencing impacts the performance of the entire bus system,” said IndyGo President and CEO Inez Evans. “Filling these open positions, while supporting our minority populations, will allow IndyGo to improve service reliability and quality of life for residents through employment.” 

With the introduction and hiring of IndyGo’s new community recruitment manager position, the agency will build relationships with community-based organizations that serve minority communities, some of which the IndyGo Foundation has an existing relationship with, such as IvyTech, RecycleForce, and the Public Action in Correctional Effort. The community recruitment manager will also support IndyGo’s Second Chance hiring initiative, intended to promote re-entry into the workforce and increase the pool of qualified job applicants.

The grant will also support an established employee referral program to incentivize teammates to share job opportunities with friends and family.

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