Masabi also created a mobile ticketing app for Bustang, marking a new milestone in their...

Masabi also created a mobile ticketing app for Bustang, marking a new milestone in their partnership.


Bustang Outrider, the Colorado Department of Transportation's (CDOT) interregional bus service, announced that riders can now purchase tickets for Bustang Outrider services via a new mobile app developed in partnership with Masabi, the company bringing Fare Payments-as-a-Service to public transit. This new cash-free, contactless, and COVID-safe mobile ticketing app offers an upgrade to current ticketing options by enabling Outrider passengers to purchase and display tickets directly on their smartphones.

The Bustang Outrider app can be downloaded from Google Play and the App Store. Riders have the option of purchasing one-way tickets for all destinations available on the Bustang Outrider services. Once purchased, passengers can activate their tickets on their phones and show them to the driver when boarding. Masabi also created a mobile ticketing app for Bustang, marking a new milestone in their partnership.

The new Bustang Outrider app uses a Fare Payments-as-a-Service approach, helping transit agencies access the latest fare payment innovations quickly, via a cloud-native multi-tenant platform like Masabi’s Justride, which is constantly updating and adding new features.