By collaborating, transit agencies using Trapeze’s software will now be able to schedule rides on the Lyft platform in advance of the trip date. Reps from the two companies announced and discussed the partnership during the 2017 APTA Expo in Atlanta, Oct. 9-11. Photo: Michaela Kwoka-Coleman

By collaborating, transit agencies using Trapeze’s software will now be able to schedule rides on the Lyft platform in advance of the trip date. Reps from the two companies announced and discussed the partnership during the 2017 APTA Expo in Atlanta, Oct. 9-11. Photo: Michaela Kwoka-Coleman 

In an effort to improve paratransit services, Lyft and Trapeze Group have partnered to enhance demand response services by forming a public-private transportation solution in the U.S.

The two companies announced their new partnership during this year’s APTA Expo in Atlanta, Oct. 9-11. 

By collaborating, transit agencies using Trapeze’s software will now be able to schedule rides on the Lyft platform in advance of the trip date. Additionally, passengers will be able to better identify their rides due to Lyft’s amp LED device which admits a pink light on the dashboard.

Paratransit rides typically cost a transit agency between $45 and $70 per trip, up from the average $15 per trip in 1990 when the Americans with Disabilities Act became law.

It is estimated that paratransit services use about 8-10% of transit agencies' budgets, while only account for 2-3% of total rides.

Officials at Trapeze said that giving transit agencies that use Trapeze software the ability to schedule rides through Lyft’s ride-sharing platform will help lower operational costs while increasing ride availability.

Silicon Valley-based Lyft is currently available to 95% of the U.S. population.