NJ TRANSIT ranked 178 out of all large employers nationwide and in the top eight of all employers in the "Transportation and Logistics" industry. - Photo: NJ TRANSIT

NJ TRANSIT ranked 178 out of all large employers nationwide and in the top eight of all employers in the "Transportation and Logistics" industry.


For the fourth straight year, NJ TRANSIT announced has been recognized by Forbes as one of the best places to work. 

This year the agency was named as one of the best large employers in the nation on the 2024 Forbes America’s Best Employers List.

NJ TRANSIT was recently named the winner of the coveted 2023 American Public Transportation Association (APTA) award for Outstanding Public Transportation System, from among the largest transit systems in North America.

“Forbes’ prestigious and independent evaluation has once again recognized NJ TRANSIT’s considerable efforts over the past six years to build a culture of excellence, inclusiveness, and employee satisfaction – this time naming us one of the best employers in America,” said NJ TRANSIT President/CEO Kevin S. Corbett. “This recognition reaffirms our position as an employer of choice in our region, and is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and commitment of so many in our organization.”

2024 Forbes America’s Best Employers List

The 2024 Forbes America’s Best Employers List was compiled through independent surveys from a sample of over 170,000 U.S. employees working for companies employing at least 1,000 people within the United States.

NJ TRANSIT ranked 178 out of all large employers nationwide and in the top eight of all employers in the "Transportation and Logistics" industry. 

The final score was based on two types of evaluations:

  • Personal – Evaluations given by employees themselves, also known as direct evaluations.
  • Public – Evaluations given by friends and family members of employees, or members of the public who work in the same industry – also known as indirect evaluations. A much higher weight was placed on personal evaluations.

This resulted in two sub-lists: one for “Mid” sized organizations (those with 1,000 to 5,000 employees) and “Large” sized organizations (those with more than 5,000 employees). 

Statista, whom Forbes partnered with to conduct the survey, publishes hundreds of worldwide industry rankings and company listings with high-profile media partners. This research and analysis service is based on the success of statista.com.

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