Virgin Hyperloop One (VHO) launched a first-of-its kind U.S. roadshow to bring its XP-1 hyperloop pod to communities across the U.S. and start a dialogue about the power of this new form of mass transportation.
“When government and investor delegations come to our test site, seeing the technology makes it real for them. Not everyone can come to the Nevada desert, so we’re bringing our technology to the people — the American people who will be riding this new form of transportation within a decade,” said Jay Walder, CEO of Virgin Hyperloop One.
On May 11, 2017, XP-1 completed the world’s first full-system hyperloop test — what VHO calls its “Kitty Hawk” moment. This was the first time any company had integrated all of the components of a hyperloop including a highly efficient motor, power electronics, magnetic levitation, vacuum pumping systems, and an aerodynamic vehicle as a single unified system. During testing, XP-1 set the full-scale hyperloop speed record of 240 miles per hour on just 550 yards of track.
The national roadshow kicks off as states and cities across the world are competing to be the first to implement hyperloop technology, realizing the significant socio-economic benefits of early adoption. Nine states are exploring the technology and the federal government has created the Non-Traditional and Emerging Transportation Technology Council to advance safety and regulatory certification.
The roadshow will give local communities the chance to see first-hand the historic test pod and learn more about their states’ progress in bringing hyperloop to fruition in a matter of years.
Scheduled stops along the national roadshow route include:
- Columbus, Ohio: August 4, 2019
- Arlington, Texas: August 8 -10, 2019
- Kansas City, Kan.: September 14, 2019
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