The Center for Transportation & the Environment (CTE) was selected by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to coordinate research and outreach priorities for the newly created Transit Vehicle Innovation Deployment Centers (TVIDCs). The centers will facilitate the development, production, and deployment of advanced technology transit vehicles and infrastructure. Through these Centers, CTE will streamline multiple advanced bus research and education resources into a cohesive FTA-led program.
CTE will form and manage an advisory panel to structure the TVIDCs’ priorities and provide industry feedback to FTA. The panel will meet at least three times and include sample representation from large, medium, and small transit agencies; all active bus OEMs; the American Public Transportation Association; FTA; CALSTART; and the Altoona bus testing facility. It will also include the two bus component testing centers (Ohio State and Auburn), and both current FTA-funded zero-emission bus (ZEB) Centers of Excellence (Sunline and SARTA).
CTE will convene the first panel meeting at the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) in August 20. LA Metro’s CEO Phillip A. Washington has committed to personally participate on the panel. The subject matters the panel will discuss includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Low or No Emission Vehicle (Low-No) Component Testing Program.
- Overall Bus Testing Program, including any changes necessary to support ZEBs and improve bus testing effectiveness and throughput.
- FTA’s overall research program priorities, including implementation of the STAR program (FTA Strategic Transit Automation Research).
- Driver Assistance and Automation Solutions in pilot programs, and other industry technology development.
- Training and Workforce Development to support ZEBs.
LA Metro’s plans to create a center in the County of Los Angeles that will focus on testing, research, training, and manufacturing of ZEB and rail supplies.
The Chicago Transit Authority has agreed to host the second meeting, with its President Dorval Carter also committing to personally participate on the panel. CTE will host the third meeting at its headquarters in Atlanta.
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