Vicinity Partners to Deploy Enhanced Powertrain into Next-Generation Electric Bus


Vicinity Motor Corp. signed a supply agreement with Exro Technologies Inc., a clean technology company that has developed a new class of power electronics for electric motors and batteries, to enable the company’s next-generation of Vicinity electric buses.

Exro will supply its innovative Coil Drive System technology suite, which Vicinity Motor Corp. will validate through an initial deployment of an optimized electric powertrain into the company’s electric shuttle bus product line in 2022, ahead of a broader potential rollout.

“We are constantly searching for innovative new ways to provide a best-in-class experience for our customers, delivering leading-edge technology at a price point suitable for mass deployment across small and large fleets,” said Founder and CEO of Vicinity Motor Corp. William Trainer. “Testing of the Coil Drive System, which offers lower energy consumption and high performance relative to existing systems, could prove to be an exciting competitive advantage and further extend the range of our electric buses.”