Sanitization Awash Systems
Portable Bus & Truck Washing System. Wash your bus or truck in less than five minutes with only one ounce of soap and five gallons of water per minute. Awash’s system total cost, maintenance, and soap for the next 10 years will only cost the user $2 “awash,” according to the company.
Bitimec's Wash-Bots are gamechanger machines for maintaining a clean fleet affordably. Four distinct models with unrivaled features will save you time and money and cut your detailer turnover by making their job a lot less tiring. Fire-up a Wash-Bot and your single detailer will now control the wash muscle of a six-person strong wash crew, at the fraction of the price.
CleanSpray Technologies LLC
The CleanTransit Automated Infection Control System is a patented, on-demand spray system designed to disinfect transit, school buses, and other commercial vehicles. The revolutionary disinfectant system is the only laboratory proven method to disinfect both air and surfaces. With the simple push of a button, CleanTransit delivers a plant-based disinfectant that is not corrosive or flammable. Without harming riders, drivers, or the vehicle components, the disinfectant is simply applied using a fine mist and requires no wipe down.
NFI Parts
The Proactive Air and Surface Purification (PASP) system from NFI Parts uses proprietary technology to create advanced purification by producing high-energy clusters. The main goal of the solution is to continually and safely sanitize both the air and surfaces in vehicles without leaving behind any harmful residue. The PASP system is effective against viruses (including COVID-19), bacteria, mildew, odors, mold, and funguses, ensuring long-term return on investment.
NS Wash Systems
From schools to the transportation sector, running and maintaining large commercial vehicles is a huge undertaking. Keeping them clean and running well is a positive reflection on your organization. When you need a system that can reliably tackle the grime that attaches to buses, trains, and other large commercial vehicles, then turn to the experience of N/S Wash. With close to hundreds of transit bus wash systems in the New York City Transit Authority alone, N/S dominates the bus, train, and large truck market.
Whiting Systems Inc.
SmartWash SCOUT is a bus wash and coach fleet wash automatic rollover system. It provides comprehensive cleaning of all standard size vehicles, including coaches, buses, and trucks. The commercial-sized Scout system is designed to thoroughly clean large-scale buses all the while sensing every curve in the body to ensure maximum vehicle safeguard. The strategic placement of sensors, pressure washing sprayers, and rotary brushes deliver incredible cleaning power.
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