PROFIS Engineering Suite, a cloud-based application, helps handle the calculations and analysis...

PROFIS Engineering Suite, a cloud-based application, helps handle the calculations and analysis of the different elements of a steel-to-concrete connection.

Photo: Bentley Systems

Hilti North America announced it has streamlined the base plate design workflow for PROFIS Engineering Suite users by integrating the cloud-based software with Bentley’s RAM Structural System.

The agreement with Bentley Systems gives structural engineers and designers the ability to transfer designs more accurately between the two programs.

PROFIS Engineering Suite, a cloud-based application, helps handle the calculations and analysis of the different elements of a steel-to-concrete connection, including base plate and anchors.

“Our customers have requested integrations between their structural analysis software and PROFIS Engineering to increase user productivity while ensuring accuracy of their design,” said David Crawford, director of technical marketing and application solutions at Hilti North America. “We are eager to align with an organization like Bentley that shares our values in providing solutions that move the industry forward. Integrated with RAM Structural System to deliver a seamless experience further enables our customers to simplify the entire anchor design process from start to finish, while delivering considerable time savings for each design. This is yet another example of Hilti listening to our users and providing additional value that benefits the customer’s bottom line.”

Now, RAM Structural System and PROFIS Engineering work together to streamline the workflow and help simplify the base plate anchor design process. Users can leverage the integration of RAM Structural System with the design power of PROFIS Engineering to import, design, and export anchor and base plate designs.

“At Bentley, we are always looking for ways to increase our users’ engineering productivity and accuracy,” said Josh Taylor, senior director of structural product management at Bentley Systems. “We are excited to give our RAM Structural System users the additional benefit of a seamless interface with Hilti PROFIS Engineering to improve accuracy and save time for their structural steel-to-concrete connection designs.”  

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