C-TRAN is the regional public transportation provider for Clark County.

C-TRAN is the regional public transportation provider for Clark County.

Photo: C-TRAN

C-TRAN announced it is supporting National Human Trafficking Awareness Month this January by putting up posters across its fleet so that victims of trafficking can learn how to access help. The National Human Trafficking Hotline received more than 22,000 calls in 2019 alone.

Not Alone is a national human trafficking awareness campaign designed to help people who are being trafficked recognize that there are resources for them to seek help.

“We believe that everyone who uses public transportation should be traveling freely and safely,” said Shawn M. Donaghy, C-TRAN CEO. “That’s why C-TRAN is taking this extra step to raise awareness of these resources and help that is available to people who are being forced into dangerous situations.”

The Not Alone campaign was created by the Seattle-based nonprofit BEST (Businesses Ending Slavery & Trafficking). BEST worked closely with survivors of trafficking to create posters that would catch the attention of someone who was being harmed. These posters will be displayed on all C-TRAN buses in January.

“I created the Not Alone campaign so that people experiencing a trafficking situation will be able to self-identify and seek help,” said Rebekah Covington, Corporate Relations Manager for BEST. “During the time I was trafficked, I didn't realize what was happening to me; I just knew something was very wrong and I did not know where to turn. This is why it is important that the messaging and visuals speak directly to survivors, so they can access the resources that are available.”

In 2019, Washington had the eighth-highest call volume on the National Human Trafficking Hotline of all U.S. states. If you need help, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text “HELP” or “INFO” to 233733.