LaShawn Gillespie previously served as Foothill Transit's director of procurement (2006) and...

LaShawn Gillespie previously served as Foothill Transit's director of procurement (2006) and director of planning (2008) before leading the customer service and operations team (2012).

Photo: Foothill Transit

LaShawn King Gillespie will serve as Foothill Transit's next deputy CEO, according to the agency’s news release. 

Current deputy CEO Kevin Parks McDonald, who is retiring after a 23-year career at Foothill Transit, will "pass the baton" to Gillespie on April 28, 2023.

Gillespie has been part of the Foothill Transit team for 17 years and currently serves as the agency's director of operations and customer service. 

Gillespie previously served as Foothill Transit's director of procurement (2006) and director of planning (2008) before leading the customer service and operations team (2012).

During her tenure, Gillespie has been a member of many of the agency's initiatives, including the launch of Foothill Transit's zero-emissions bus program in 2010, the agency's park-and-ride COVID-19 vaccine clinic in 2021, and the establishment of the nation's largest hydrogen fuel cell fleet.

Gillespie discussed the projects and campaigns that resonated with her the most during her career.

"We can't discount the unglamorous parts of our work because it's that daily attention to detail that keeps the community connected," said Gillespie. "I am proud and honored to continue my journey with this incredible team. I'm eager to learn more and to strive to add value as we move forward into this decade."

"LaShawn's steady leadership and dedication to our customers ensures that the agency stays in good hands as Kevin Parks McDonald retires," said Doran Barnes, Foothill Transit CEO. "I'm grateful to LaShawn for stepping up into this role.”

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